I successfully passed my VCP7-DTM exam today and can move forward to the VCIX7-DTM certification path!
This means my next stop will be the VCAP7-DTM Design exam. The following study material will be used for my preparation:
- Exam Blueprint
- VDI Design Guide from Johan van Amersfoort
- VMware Horizon 7: Install, Configure, Manage [V7] course material
- VMware Horizon 7: Design Workshop [V7] course material
- VMware Horizon 7: Troubleshooting and Performance Optimization [V7] course material
I give myself two months to study and prepare for the exam. If I fail to pass in October then at least I know my weak spots. π
Kyran Brophy has also written down how he prepared himself for the VCAP7-DTM exam and was so kind to bundle all the PDF documents mentioned in the exam blueprint.
VMware Certified Professional – Digital Workspace 2018 (VCP-DW 2018)
Since WorkspaceONE is also listed in the exam prep guide, I decided to earn the VCP-DW 2018 certification before I would go ahead and prepare for the VCAP7-DTM Deploy exam next year. Anyway, it seems that the VCAP7-DTM Deploy exam still has not been published yet.
I have planned already to attend the required VMware Workspace ONE: Deploy and Manage [V9.x] training in mid of October. Until then I keep myself busy with all the material I have listed before. *Update*: I passed the exam! π
In the next article I will cover first section of the exam blueprint:
Section 1 β Create a Horizon Conceptual Design
Objective 1.1 β Gather and analyze requirements
Objective 1.2 β Gather and analyze application requirements
Objective 1.3 β Differentiate requirements, risks, constraints and assumptions
Objective 1.4 β Evaluate existing business practices against established use cases
Jump to part 2