I just passed the Azure AI Fundamentals exam a few weeks ago and made the decision to pursue the Microsoft Azure Administrator certification and register for the AZ-104 exam. I always have a plan and use a study guide when I prepare myself for an exam. That is why I am creating and sharing an AZ-104 study guide because it seems to be one of the hardest “associate” or entry-level certifications right now. My goal is to take the exam in about 6 weeks, latest at the end of December 2023.

Note: This approach also helped me to pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam.

Update: My articles, notes and summaries as part of my preparation can be found here: https://www.cloud13.ch/az-104-study-guide/ 

My Goal

Without having any prior Azure hands-on experience, my goal is to pass the AZ-104 exam first before taking AZ-305 to become a Microsoft certified Azure Solutions Architect Expert.

Exam Overview

As an Azure administrator, you often serve as part of a larger team dedicated to implementing an organization’s cloud infrastructure. You also coordinate with other roles to deliver Azure networking, security, database, application development, and DevOps solutions.

The skills measured are:

  • Manage Azure identities and governance (20–25%)
  • Implement and manage storage (15–20%)
  • Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (20–25%)
  • Implement and manage virtual networking (15–20%)
  • Monitor and maintain Azure resources (10–15%)

Note: Obviously, the exam requires you to have hands-on experience with Microsoft Azure

Costs: $165 (in Switzerland CHF 216)

Passing score: Technical exam scores are reported on a scale between 1 and 1’000. You need a passing score of 700 or greater.

Important: The English language version of this exam was updated on October 26, 2023.

Schedule Exam: Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator

AZ-104 Study Guide

I am going to use the following resources to prepare myself.

First, I would like to get a quick overview and basic understanding of Microsoft Azure. For that, I will watch John Savill’s technical training on YouTube.

Second, I need to create a free account for Azure

Third, I am going through the self-paced learning path collection of Microsoft:

Fourth, I am going to use Microsoft’s study guide for AZ-104 but I will map the related MS docs links to each topic, see below.

Note: Please bookmark this study guide since I am going to add/update the links during my journey.

Manage Azure identities and governance (20–25%)

Manage Microsoft Entra users and groups

 Manage access to Azure resources

Manage Azure subscriptions and governance

Implement and manage storage (15–20%)

Configure access to storage

Configure and manage storage accounts

Configure Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage

Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (20–25%)

Automate deployment of resources by using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates or Bicep files

Create and configure virtual machines

Provision and manage containers in the Azure portal

Create and configure Azure App Service

Implement and manage virtual networking (15–20%)

Configure and manage virtual networks in Azure

Configure secure access to virtual networks

Configure name resolution and load balancing

Monitor and maintain Azure resources (10–15%)

Monitor resources in Azure

Implement backup and recovery

Let’s see in a few weeks if this guide and my preparation were enough to pass the exam. 😀

Good luck!

If you already passed the exam, please share your experience in the comments section!